Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dear Cache,

I think we should change your name to "Mr. Personality" because you have so much of it! So you have decided that when you don't want to listen to us, you turn your back and cross your arms. Of course, checking over your shoulder to make sure we are paying attention with a little smerk on your face. Also, when you get busted doing something you shouldn't you stop, turn away, and look out the corner of your eyes. As if you can't see us then we can't see you. It makes me laugh so hard, and it doesn't help when I need to get mad at you! You are such a mommy's boy and I LOVE IT! You want Mommy to lay down with you everyday and tell Daddy NO! Your ASL is getting so much better, and you are just the smartest kid! You can do math like no other and I am pretty sure your handwriting is better then your older brother! SHHHHHH! I get to come help in your class once a week which is sooo much fun. You are such a wonderful addition to our family. We are very blessed to have you for so many reasons. I am so glad you picked us to be your parents and let us help you through all your trils in life. You are amazing little man!

I love ya Mama's boy,

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